Recognize the Causes of the Test Pack Showing False Positive Results
FAKE PREGNANCY TEST - “When doing a home pregnancy test, the results are largely determined by the accuracy and accuracy of using the test pack. It is important to use the test pack as directed to avoid false positive test pack results. However, we recommend that whatever results the test pack shows, do several checks. If necessary, also direct examination with a doctor."
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Taking a home pregnancy test can be stressful, especially if you're not sure you can trust the results. Test pack kits that you can buy at pharmacies may be quite reliable. Most of the test pack products are able to detect pregnancy with 97 percent accuracy. Even so, the potential for false positive test packs still exists. For example, because it is caused by expired tools and human error.
To get a more accurate test pack result, it would be better if you wait until after the first day of your missed period. Why wait? Because shortly after the fertilized egg attaches to the uterine lining (implantation), the placenta forms and produces the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG). This hormone enters the bloodstream and urine. The earlier you take a pregnancy test, the more difficult the test pack will be to detect HCG.
Get to know the characteristics of a false positive test pack
To do a pregnancy test with a test pack must be very careful. Because a home pregnancy test is not easy. It is important to follow the packaging directions exactly. Also, check the expiration date before using the test.
Even with care, user errors can still occur. One of the most common mistakes is taking the test too early during the menstrual cycle. This can lead to false positive test pack results.
It is important to remember, avoid using a test pack when the urine is not too dilute with water. So it's best to use very concentrated urine, like when you first wake up in the morning.
It is also important to keep the test pack in the urine stream for a specified period of time. We recommend setting a timer on your stopwatch or cell phone. This can help you track how long the test pack has been in the urine stream. Checking the results over a set timeframe is also important.
False positive test pack results can also be caused by misuse, it could also be due to an error from the test pack product. Sometimes the vaporization line can be mistaken for a positive pregnancy test. Some test packs show two lines when hCG is detected and one line when hCG is not detected.
The stripes are usually brightly colored, such as pink, red, or blue. Sometimes, a faint or faded second line will appear. This line may be an early pregnancy or it may be an evaporating line.
Evaporation lines may appear on the test pack after the urine has completely evaporated. Sometimes this is caused by hormone levels that are not representative of pregnancy, resulting in a false positive test pack result. The best way to avoid this confusion is to follow the test time instructions exactly as written on the test pack product packaging instructions.
What to Do Next?
In addition to false positive test pack results, false negative test packs can also occur. No matter what test pack results you get, it never hurts to remain skeptical and test more than once. Also consider the following steps after taking a pregnancy test with a test pack
- If the test pack is positive, re-do some pregnancy tests with the test pack. Then make an appointment with the obgyn at the hospital. Your doctor may order a blood test or ultrasound to confirm pregnancy. The sooner pregnancy is confirmed, the sooner you can start prenatal care.
- If the test pack is negative, pay attention to whether menstruation occurs. If menstruation does not occur, repeat the test in a few days or a week. Especially if you take the test before or immediately after your missed period.
- You continue to get negative test pack results, but your period doesn't occur, or you think you may be pregnant, check with your ob-gyn. It should be understood, many factors can cause a delay in menstruation (amenorrhea). These include thyroid disorders, low body weight, problems with the ovaries, excess exercise, and stress.
That's what needs to be understood about the false positive test pack results. As previously mentioned, whatever test pack results you get, it never hurts to do the test several times. If necessary, get an examination from a doctor.
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