How soon can you take a pregnancy test?
How soon can you take a pregnancy test? Find out in today's article continue reading our complete guide.
A pregnancy test is a way to determine if you are pregnant by looking at the amount of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in your body.
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Early in pregnancy, your body begins to undergo changes to support the growth of the group of cells that will develop into your baby.
One thing that happens very quickly is the production of hCG. This chemical is only found in pregnant women and begins to build up when a fertilized egg implants in the uterus (womb) - about 10 days after fertilization.
So, How soon can you take a pregnancy test?
How soon you can take a pregnancy test: You should wait to take a pregnancy test until a week after your missed period for more accurate results. If you don't want to wait until you miss your period, wait at least one to two weeks after having sex.
How do pregnancy tests work?
A pregnancy test is an easy and accurate way to find out if you're pregnant - just pee on a stick. They are inexpensive and available at most pharmacies and grocery stores.
How accurate is a pregnancy test?
Pregnancy tests are very accurate when you use them correctly. The pregnancy tests you buy at the pharmacy work 99 times out of 100. They are as accurate as the urine pregnancy tests you would take at the doctor's office.
A pregnancy test works by checking your urine (pee) for a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG).
Your body only produces this hormone if you are pregnant. HCG is released when the fertilized egg attaches to the lining of the uterus - when pregnancy begins.
If your pregnancy test result is positive, it means you are pregnant. If it is negative, it means you are not pregnant.
A pregnancy test is most accurate when you take it after you have missed your period. A pregnancy test will be less accurate if it has expired or if you are not using it correctly.
So, always check the expiration date on the packaging and carefully read the instructions that come with the pregnancy test.
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