During pregnancy, there must be complaints that are felt by pregnant women in each trimester. Pregnancy discharge of pregnant women that are quite common include fatigue, nausea and vomiting, headaches, and difficulty sleeping. These complaints are generally not caused by something dangerous.
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Although classified as normal, the various complaints experienced by pregnant women are often disturbing. For example, in the first trimester of pregnancy, pregnant women may often complain of symptoms of morning sickness, such as nausea and vomiting, dizziness, and lack of appetite.
However, the good news is that there are many practical ways that can be done to deal with complaints during pregnancy, so that pregnant women can continue their activities smoothly.
Various Complaints Often Experienced by Pregnant Women
Here are some complaints of pregnant women that occur quite often and tips to overcome them:
1. Tired easily
Fatigue is quite common in pregnant women. This complaint arises because there are many major changes that occur in the pregnant woman's body, ranging from changes in hormone levels and body metabolism, to the formation of the placenta and the tissues and organs of the fetus.
If the fatigue that pregnant women feel has an impact on productivity, try to go to bed earlier at night, or take time to take a short nap to reduce sleepiness while working during the day.
In addition, pregnant women also need to meet their nutritional and caloric intake, so that the energy and nutritional needs of pregnant women and fetuses are available.
2. Nausea and Vomiting
Nausea and vomiting during pregnancy or what is called morning sickness is also one of the complaints that pregnant women often complain about. This complaint can appear in any trimester.
The cause is likely due to hormonal changes in the body during pregnancy, such as increased levels of the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and estrogen.
Morning sickness can be prevented by avoiding foods that can trigger nausea, such as foods that are too spicy, fatty foods, or foods with a strong smell. In addition, pregnant women can also reduce the symptoms of morning sickness by eating small portions of food, but more often.
3. Mood swings
Mood swings or mood changes during pregnancy are usually more common in the first and third trimesters. In addition to hormonal changes, mood swings can be triggered by many factors, such as fatigue or lack of sleep, anxiety, and stress.
To cope with mood swings during pregnancy, get more rest, exercise regularly, do relaxation, or take time to do things that pregnant women like, such as traveling, watching movies, or me time.
4. Vaglnal discharge
Increased levels of the hormone estrogen and blood flow to the vaglna can make pregnant women experience vaglnal discharge more often. This normal vaglnal discharge has the characteristics of not feeling itchy or sore, odorless, and the texture of the vaglnal discharge is slightly thicker like egg white.
However, some pregnant women may feel uncomfortable with this vaglnal discharge. In order to reduce discomfort due to vaglnal discharge during pregnancy, pregnant women are advised to maintain vaglnal hygiene by washing it from the vaglna to the anus after urinating.
Pregnant women should also use underwear that can absorb sweat, such as cotton, and avoid using vaglnal cleaning products (douching). If vaglnal discharge is painful, very itchy, smells bad, or causes pregnant women to feel pain during s3x, you should see a doctor, yes.
5. Excessive weight gain
It is normal to gain weight during pregnancy. This weight gain is caused by an increase in the weight of the fetus, the size of the uterus, and the amount of amniotic fluid. Generally, women with ideal body weight will experience a total weight gain of about 11-16 kilograms during pregnancy.
In order to achieve an ideal body weight during pregnancy, pregnant women are advised to eat healthy foods, exercise regularly, and take prenatal vitamin supplements as recommended by doctors.
6. Heartburn
Heartburn during pregnancy is also quite common, especially in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy. This complaint can be caused by weakening of the valves in the stomach and throat, so that stomach acid easily rises into the esophagus (reflux).
To reduce heartburn, pregnant women can eat small portions, but more often, reduce or limit consumption of spicy and fatty foods, avoid the habit of lying down after eating, and try using a pillow so that the head is higher than the feet when lying down.
7. Headache
Hormonal changes during pregnancy can make pregnant women more prone to headaches. In addition, several other factors, such as stress, fatigue, lack of nutrition and body fluids, and lack of sleep, can also make pregnant women experience headaches more often.
To overcome this complaint, pregnant women can try to get more rest, eat and drink enough, reduce stress, and exercise regularly.
8. Swollen feet
Swollen feet during pregnancy are generally caused by a buildup of fluid called edema. The appearance of edema is more common in mothers who are pregnant with twins and who have excess amniotic fluid. However, sometimes, edema can also indicate that a pregnant woman has preeclampsia.
To overcome this, avoid crossing your legs when sitting and wearing tight socks, especially at the ankles. Also, try to get up, walk, and stretch your legs regularly after sitting for long periods of time.
In addition to some of the complaints above, insomnia is also one of the most common complaints of pregnant women. Difficulty sleeping in pregnant women can be caused by many factors, ranging from nausea, heartburn, back pain, frequent urination, to insomnia.
Various complaints during pregnancy are generally harmless and can subside on their own after the pregnant woman gives birth. However, if the complaint feels quite heavy and interferes with daily activities, you should consult a doctor, yes.
This is important so that doctors can ensure that the condition of the pregnant mother and fetus is healthy, and provide appropriate treatment to overcome complaints during pregnancy.
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