Bleeding in Pregnancy
Bleeding during pregnancy is a fairly common condition in the early trimester of pregnancy. In general, bleeding has the potential to harm the mother and fetus. Most pregnant women experience bleeding during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. This condition does not always indicate a serious problem in pregnancy. However, if you experience it, pregnant women are advised to rest and avoid traveling long distances or riding motorbikes on roads that are not smooth and are advised to use four-wheeled vehicles. Pregnant women still have to watch out for this condition, because bleeding during pregnancy can be a sign of miscarriage or other conditions that can harm pregnant women.
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Bleeding during pregnancy is experienced by 2 out of 10 pregnant women. Causes of bleeding in the first trimester or the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, Some conditions that can trigger this are miscarriage, implantation bleeding, ectopic pregnancy, molar pregnancy (pregnancy wine). The causes of bleeding during the second and third trimesters of pregnancy are sexual intercourse, placental abruption, placenta previa, birth opening. Things that may cause bleeding during pregnancy when the gestational age is older or in the final trimester are vaginal infections, cervical examination or stage examination (pap smear) and cervical polyps. Placenta previa is one of the most common causes of bleeding in pregnant women.
dr. Novan Setya Pamungkas, Sp.OG(K) in a live broadcast with health radio, Wednesday (20/01/2021) explained the signs of bleeding during pregnancy which are dangerous, namely if there is heavy bleeding, for example the amount of blood that comes out is very large or accompanied by large tissues, severe abdominal pain that is unbearable, high fever that does not improve with fever-reducing drugs, dizziness to loss of consciousness or fainting, abnormal and foul-smelling vaginal discharge, bleeding in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy.
In some cases, bleeding during pregnancy is not a serious condition and it is still possible to have a healthy delivery. However, if we experience it, it is still recommended to immediately consult a gynecologist. This is to anticipate things that are not desirable and ensure that bleeding during pregnancy is not caused by a dangerous condition.
Source person: dr. Novan Satya Pamungkas, Sp.OG (K) – RSAB Harapan Kita
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