Positive Lines in the Test Pack are Faint, What Are the Signs of Pregnancy?
FAINT POSITIVE PREGNANCY TEST - There are 3 possibilities that can occur when the results of your mother's test pack look vague. A missed period is one of the most accurate signs of pregnancy that many women use as a benchmark. If you have felt such signs, usually women will confirm it through a pregnancy test or test pack.
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Pregnancy test kits that are commonly used have a negative meaning of pregnancy if they show one line, while two lines indicate that you are positively pregnant. Then, what if my mother's positive test pack results show two faint lines? How did it happen? What to do?
If so, there are actually three possibilities that can happen. To find out more, here we have summarized some of the facts.
1. The results of the test pack are vague, does it mean you are pregnant?
If you take your own home pregnancy test and the results show a faintly positive result, there is a high chance that you are pregnant. In this case, the line only appears faintly, perhaps because the level of the mother's pregnancy hormone, or human chorionic gonadotropin hormone (hCG), is still low. Immediately after pregnancy, the body will produce hCG. Levels of this hormone will increase with increasing gestational age.
Test packs are made to detect this hCG hormone. If there is a lot of hCG hormone in the urine, the result will be positive. So, keep in mind that the more hCG hormone in the body, the clearer the lines on the test pack will be.
Some women take a pregnancy test at a very early gestational age. At this time, although hCG is present in the urine, the levels are not high. This is what makes the lines that appear look blurry.
2. A faint line that means not pregnant
Getting a faintly positive result doesn't necessarily mean you're pregnant. Sometimes, the positive line that appears is not a true positive line, but just an evaporation line or evaporation line.
This line may appear on the test pack when urine evaporates from the test pack stick. If this line appears on the test results, you may be misinterpreting it. It will be difficult to distinguish whether the line that appears is a faint positive result or just an evaporation line.
The main difference between the two is that a new evaporation line will appear a few minutes after the set time to read the test results. If you are doing the test yourself at home, it is important for you to read how to use the test pack carefully according to the instructions on the package. If you read the results within the time frame written on the packaging and see a faint positive result, then you are most likely pregnant.
However, if you miss the allotted time to read the results, then the faint line that appears could be an evaporation line, which means you are not pregnant. If you are confused about it, then Mama can repeat the test.
If possible, wait two to three days before you try again. This time lag will give your body time to produce more pregnancy hormones, giving you clearer results if you are actually pregnant.
Taking a pregnancy test in the morning is also a good decision, because the more concentrated the urine, the clearer the results will be. Make sure you read the results within the time frame listed on the test pack.
3. A faint line that means an early miscarriage
Unfortunately, a faint positive line is also a sign that you are only chemically pregnant, which means you may have had an abortion or an early miscarriage. In this case, the fertilized egg will implant in the uterus, this will stimulate the production of pregnancy hormones. However, not long after implanted in the uterus, Mama miscarried.
If you take a pregnancy test at this time, the result will show a faint positive line. This is because pregnancy hormones are still remaining in small amounts in the body. You may not experience any symptoms. Symptoms that may occur are only bleeding that resembles a menstrual cycle, and mild stomach cramps.
Bleeding can occur around the time of menstruation so you don't realize that you are actually having a miscarriage. However, if you take the test while you're bleeding and the result is a faint positive line, there's a good chance you may have miscarried.
Why Test Pack Results Can Be Vague?
There are several aspects that can make this possible.
Here are some of them:
• Test done too early
If you take a pregnancy test 7-8 days after conception or before your next period, then your HCG levels are still very low. No wonder the results that Mama got are still not clear.
• The sensitivity of the test equipment is too low
There are various kinds of pregnancy test kits or test packs that are sold freely in the market. But not all of them are sensitive. Therefore, this could be due to a test pack that does not have high sensitivity.
• Urine sample is too dilute
Urine can be watery due to frequent urination or high volume of fluids drunk. Good urine is in the middle, so if you do a pregnancy test, spit out a little first and then collect the next.
• Chemically pregnant
This means the embryo has indeed implanted in the uterus and hCG is produced at short intervals, but is followed by a miscarriage before any (physical) signs of pregnancy can be observed.
What to do?
Do not be confused! There are several things that can be done if this happens to Mama.
Here are some of them:
• Use the first urine in the morning, if possible
The hCG level in this condition is the easiest to detect because the condition is the most concentrated (after sleeping all night, or adjusting to your biological clock).
• Don't drink too much before the test
This is intended so as not to increase the volume of urine and dilute the concentration of hCG.
• Read the instructions for use thoroughly
Before taking a pregnancy test, make sure you have read the test pack and understand everything before taking the pregnancy test. Also, perform the test according to the instructions.
• Some drugs can affect test results
Check the warnings listed or included on the packaging. If it is not recommended for pregnant women, then it is better not to take it while doing pregnancy testing.
Well, those are some facts about the lines of positive test packs that look vague. Although there are several possibilities that can happen, but it is better if you continue to maintain your health if the signs of pregnancy are felt. This is known to prevent bad things that can happen to the fetus in the stomach.
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