Here's an Example of Pregnancy Signs
PICTURES OF SPOTTING DURING PREGNANCY - Maybe not all women know what an example of a pregnancy sign is like. To be sure, these spots are different from the usual spots before menstruation when viewed from the duration, color, and thickness.
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Pregnancy spots, also known as implantation bleeding, occur when the fertilized egg (embryo) attaches to the lining of the uterine wall. Spots that come out of the vagina occurs in approximately 20% of women in early pregnancy or about the first 12 weeks. This is normal and nothing to worry about.
Examples of Normal Pregnancy Signs
Bleeding or spotting that comes out as a sign of pregnancy usually appears about 10-14 days after conception and can come to coincide with the date of menstruation. If this happens, it is natural for many women to think that it is an ordinary spot.
In order not to be mistaken, here are examples of signs of pregnancy spots:
Short duration
Unlike monthly periods, pregnancy spotting or implantation bleeding usually lasts only a few hours or 3 days at most, while menstrual blood will continue to flow and get heavier for about 7–10 days.
Pink to dark brown
Examples of spots as another sign of pregnancy are pink to dark brown. This is certainly different from menstrual blood which is bright red blood in color. In addition, the spots that appear are also only light and slight spots, such as in the form of spots or drops.
If you have a spot, try wearing a panty liner, so you can clearly see the color of the spot and how much bleeding is occurring. You are not advised to use tampons or do a vaginal douche (gurah vaginal) because it can harm the pregnancy.
Mild pain
Some women who experience signs of pregnancy will also experience mild pain in the lower abdomen. This is normal when the embryo attaches to the uterine wall.
However, be aware if you feel pain that is quite severe, especially if it is accompanied by quite a lot of bleeding. It indicates a problem with your pregnancy. To prevent unwanted things, you should immediately check with a gynecologist, yes.
Accompanied by other signs of pregnancy
In addition to the discharge of spots, there are some early signs of pregnancy that you need to know to ensure that the spots that come out are signs of pregnancy, namely:
- Late menstruation
- Body temperature increases during early pregnancy
- Tired easily
- Mood changes
- Frequent urination
- Flatulence and constipation
If you experience spotting 1-2 weeks after sex, there's a good chance you're pregnant. Pay attention to whether the characteristics of spots match the example of spots that are a sign of pregnancy.
You can do a home pregnancy test using a test pack to be more sure that the discharge is a sign of pregnancy. Before you are sure whether spotting is a sign of pregnancy, take care of your health by eating healthy foods and avoiding alcohol and cigarette smoke.
If the spots you are experiencing are indeed a sign of pregnancy, don't forget to immediately go to the doctor for a pregnancy check, OK? The sooner it is checked, the better the doctor's monitoring of your health and that of your fetus will be. You can also consult about how to maintain health in early pregnancy.
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