Optimal Pregnancy Weight
• Why do pregnant women gain weight?
PREGNANCY WEIGHT GAIN CHART - Weight gain during pregnancy occurs due to increased maternal appetite and increased progesterone hormone which can increase the formation of body fat, so that the weight of pregnant women will automatically increase.
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To get an optimal weight during pregnancy, mothers need to consume higher nutritious foods to be able to meet the body's needs which can later affect the health of the mother and the baby to be born. So, the weight of pregnant women must increase due to meet the nutritional needs of the mother and fetus, and preparation for breastfeeding.
Recommendations for Weight Gain in Pregnant Women Per Trimester.
During the first trimester, the recommended weight gain is not as large as in the second and third trimesters, which is between 1-2 kg (or 350-400 g/week). While the recommendations for weight gain for the second and third trimesters based on the nutritional status of the mother are as follows:
Recommended Total Weight Gain During Pregnancy.
The total recommended weight gain during pregnancy is based on the nutritional status of the mother before pregnancy as measured using the Body Mass Index. The following are recommendations for total weight gain during pregnancy (kg) based on Body Mass Index before pregnancy:
• Nutritional status
The nutritional status of pregnant women is the health condition of pregnant women which is influenced by the consumption of food and beverages at some time before pregnancy.
• How to Determine Mother's Nutritional Status Before Pregnancy
Nutritional status can be known through the calculation of Body Mass Index (BMI) and measurement of upper arm circumference.
1. Body Mass Index
After calculating the Body Mass Index, then the results are categorized according to the following:
2. Upper Arm Circumference
The upper arm circumference threshold for risk of chronic energy deficiency in Indonesia is 23.5 cm. If the size is less than 23.5 cm, it is said that the woman is at risk, and can be expected to give birth to a baby with.
• Causes of Not Optimal Weight Gain During Pregnancy.
Suboptimal weight gain can occur due to several factors, including inadequate food intake, excessive physical activity, ethnicity, nutritional status before pregnancy, age, parity, smoking, socio-economic status and psychological factors.
• Inadequate food intake
Inadequate food intake (less/excessive) can cause weight gain for pregnant women to be not optimal. Inadequate food intake can occur due to nausea and vomiting experienced by pregnant women. Excessive food intake, especially sugary foods and drinks can cause weight gain beyond the recommended.
• Nutritional status before pregnancy
Mothers who have nutritional status before pregnancy are overweight and obese have a high risk of gaining weight above the recommendations of the Institute of Medicine (2009). This happened because from the beginning the mother's weight status was excessive, so that during pregnancy her weight continued to increase above the recommendation.
• Lack of surrounding support
Social support can affect the motivation of pregnant women in maintaining health during pregnancy. The high motivation of pregnant women can lead to the desire and awareness of the mother to maintain health during pregnancy which is applied in the form of maintaining health behaviors such as eating nutritious food, getting enough rest, avoiding everything that can harm the mother and fetus and routinely conducting monthly pregnancy checks. so that the weight gain of pregnant women can be achieved optimally.
An example of social support is a husband who provides emotional support (love), material or information to his wife. This will increase the motivation of pregnant women in maintaining health during pregnancy.
• Knowledge level
Information about nutrition during pregnancy can affect the mother's level of knowledge. If information about nutrition during pregnancy obtained by the mother is lacking, then the level of knowledge of pregnant women will be low. Mothers who have a low level of knowledge about the nutrition of pregnant women will affect weight gain during pregnancy which is not optimal
• The Consequences Of Weight Gain During Pregnancy That Are Not Optimal For Mother And Baby.
Weight gain that is not optimal can have a negative impact on both the mother and the baby to be born.
• Pregnant Mother's Diet
- Eat a balanced and varied nutritional pattern, 1 serving more than before pregnancy
- There are no dietary restrictions during pregnancy
- Sufficient drinking water needs during pregnancy, which is 10 glasses per day
- If nausea, vomiting and no appetite, choose foods that are not fatty in small portions but often. For example: fruit, bread, sweet potato, cassava, biscuit
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