Anatomy of the Tongue and Disorders that Can Occur

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Anatomy of the Tongue

Apart from its function as a sense of taste, the anatomy of the tongue is very complex and interesting to know further. The tongue consists of muscles covered with mucosa, the pink part of the tongue. Because of its important role, tongue health must always be maintained.

The tongue is a group of muscles that is quite unique, because only one side is connected to the bone, namely at the base. The tongue is connected to the hyoid bone which is located at the entrance of the windpipe. This bone helps the tongue in moving, for example when swallowing and speaking.


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Anatomy of the Tongue and Disorders that Can Occur


In addition, the tongue also functions in recognizing tastes, swallowing food, and keeping the airway open so that the respiratory system runs smoothly.

Tongue Anatomy

The anatomy of the tongue is divided into three main parts, namely:

Tip of the tongue

As the name implies, this section is located at the front end and is slightly pointed. The tip of the tongue is generally flexible and can move in various directions, either left, right, front, or back.
back of tongue

The back of the tongue has many small spots or papillae on its surface and is capable of providing texture to the tongue. Papillae have taste buds to identify the sweet, salty, sour, bitter, and savory or “umami” tastes you feel when you consume MSG.

base of tongue

The base of the tongue is the back of the tongue that attaches to the hyoid bone. This part of the tongue does not have papillae, but lingual tonsils. Tonsils function to protect the body from viral or bacterial infections that enter through the mouth or respiratory tract.

Characteristics of Disorders in the Anatomy of the Tongue

You can monitor the health of the tongue from the anatomy of the tongue itself. A healthy tongue is characterized by a pink color and a slightly rough texture because there are many papillae.

Meanwhile, an unhealthy tongue is generally characterized by a change in color, pain when eating or drinking, and there may be new sores or bumps on the tongue. The following are the characteristics of an unhealthy tongue:

1. Tongue is white

White tongue generally occurs due to Candida albicans fungal infection which triggers canker sores. In addition, leukoplakia and lichen planus can also cause a white color on the tongue.

2. Tongue is red

The color of the tongue usually turns red when you eat spicy or hot food. However, this condition is normal and can subside on its own.

A red tongue can also occur when you have dengue fever, vitamin B deficiency, Kawasaki disease, or geographic tongue, which is a condition when the tongue shows patches like islands.

3. The tongue is yellowish

The yellowish color is generally due to the presence of bacteria that grow on the anatomy of the tongue. In addition, a yellow tongue can also be caused by smoking, taking vitamin C supplements in the form of lozenges, psoriasis, or jaundice.

4. The tongue is black and hairy

In addition to causing a yellow color on the tongue, uncontrolled bacterial growth can also change the color of the tongue to black. Meanwhile, the hairs that appear on the tongue are actually swollen papillae.

A black tongue can occur in diabetics, patients undergoing chemotherapy, active smokers, and people with xerostomia or dry mouth.

5. Wavy tongue and sores

Anatomy of the tongue that is bumpy and injured is generally caused by canker sores, bitten tongue, burning tongue due to consumption of hot food or drinks, smoking, tongue cancer, or infectious diseases.

The sores that form will be painful, but sores on the tongue that appear due to syphilis tend to be painless.

How to Maintain Tongue Health

Various disorders in the anatomy of the tongue above can actually be prevented by maintaining a healthy tongue and mouth and adopting a healthy lifestyle. The following are steps to maintain a clean and healthy tongue:

  •  Brushing teeth 2 times a day using toothpaste that contains fluoride
  •  Brushing the tongue using a tongue scraper or a soft-bristled toothbrush
  •  Doing flossing every day
  •  Eat a balanced nutritious diet
  •  Stop smoking and consuming alcoholic or caffeinated drinks
  •  Visit the dentist at least 2 times a year

After knowing the anatomy of the tongue and its function, start to pay attention to the cleanliness and health of the tongue to avoid various tongue diseases. Maintaining a healthy tongue can also prevent the formation of plaque that causes cavities.


Read more about: Know the anatomy of the tongue and disorders that can happen


If the anatomy of the tongue changes in color and texture and lasts for a long time or is accompanied by pain, immediately consult a doctor. The reason is, tongue pain also often causes difficulty eating and speaking, so this disorder needs to be overcome.

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