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Get to know the characteristics of a healthy baby and how to support their health |
Many people judge a healthy baby can be seen from his weight. This is not wrong, but the characteristics of a healthy baby are not only measured by weight gain. There are some other signs of a healthy baby that you need to recognize.
Recognizing the characteristics of a healthy baby is important for parents to ensure that their child's growth and development is according to their age. In addition to weight gain, the characteristics of a healthy baby can also be recognized through their motor and emotional development, as well as how they interact with the environment and the people around them.
Various Characteristics of Healthy Babies
In general, the characteristics of a healthy baby that you need to recognize include:
1. Experiencing weight gain
The main feature of a healthy baby is steady weight gain. This indicates that the baby has received adequate nutritional intake. To make sure your little one's weight gain is appropriate for his age, you should regularly check with your doctor.
Ideally, from birth to 6 months of age, the baby's weight gain ranges from 150-200 grams per week. Meanwhile, for babies aged 6-12 months, the recommended weight gain ranges from 85-140 grams per week.
2. Feel calm when you are around parents
Newborns will indeed often cry to communicate. Therefore, when your little one cries, you can give him a gentle touch or talk to him, so that he feels calm and knows that you are beside him.
Feeling calm when you are around parents is also one of the characteristics of a healthy baby because his emotional development is going well.
3. Feeling attracted to the world around him
When entering the age of 2 months, most babies have started to be interested in various things around them. He began to be interested in seeing bright colors, paying attention to Mother's face or movements, to seeing a moving fan.
These conditions indicate that the baby's brain and eye function begins to improve and work well. This is also a sign of a healthy baby.
Later, when the baby enters the age of 3 months, his motor development also increases. It is characterized by the baby's ability to reach nearby objects.
4. Able to interact with other people
Babies aged 1–2 months are generally able to interact with other people, make eye contact, and smile when spoken to or joked. At the age of 4 months, babies can even laugh or respond when spoken to or joked.
All interactions made by the baby include the characteristics of a healthy baby because it shows that he is familiar with the conditions of the surrounding environment.
5. Can support his own weight
At the age of 1 month, babies are usually able to hold their own head even for a while. At the age of 3 months, babies can support their own head and body weight.
At this time, it is highly recommended that you do tummy time with your little one. Besides being fun, this activity can also train your little one's muscle development, so that he can be prone to lying on his stomach, rolling over, and sitting on his own.
How to Support Baby's Health
To support health and optimize your little one's growth and development, you can apply the following tips:
- Give exclusive breastfeeding until the baby is 6 months old. Breastfeeding can be continued until he is 2 years old to increase his immune system.
- Give complementary foods (MPASI) after the baby is 6 months old.
- Make sure the baby gets complete basic immunizations according to the schedule determined by the doctor.
- Make sure your baby gets enough sleep for their age to optimize their mental and physical development.
- Bathe your baby regularly to keep his body clean and free from infection.
Bathing a baby can also be a way to strengthen the bonding between mother and baby. After the little one is bathed, the mother can apply telon oil to her body so that she feels warm and relaxed.
Mothers can choose telon oil that contains coconut oil to keep your little one's skin moist.
Telon oil, especially those containing lemongrass extract, can also function as a mosquito repellent. By applying the telon oil to your little one's body, he will be protected from mosquito bites and protected from diseases caused by mosquito bites.
Make sure you read the instructions for use and the expiration date on the packaging label before applying telon oil to the baby's skin.
Mother, have the characteristics of a healthy baby fulfilled by the Little One? To make sure whether the development of your little one is in accordance with his age, you can check him regularly to the doctor.
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