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Types of Cat Vomit that Cat Lovers Need to Know |
Just like in humans, cat vomit types also vary, ranging from yellowish to mixed with blood. Well, as a cat owner, you need to pay attention to it, because this can be a sign your cat is sick or has the wrong diet.
Cats vomit when their stomach contents, such as water or food, come out of their mouths. Usually, when you vomit, your cat will feel nauseous, so it will be difficult for him to eat or drink. In addition, he can also make a hoarse voice or salivate more.
Actually, vomiting is normal for cats if it happens only occasionally. However, if your cat is vomiting constantly or if the vomiting is accompanied by other symptoms, such as weakness, weight loss, or bloody stools, then your cat should be seen by a veterinarian.
There are many factors that can cause a cat to vomit, such as food allergies, eating too much or too fast, swallowing foods that are prohibited for cats, poisoning, diabetes, and metabolic disorders. This is the cause that makes cat vomit types vary.
Types of Cat Vomiting and Causes
Because vomiting can be a sign of a cat's health problem, it's important for you to recognize the different types of cat vomit. The following are various types of cat vomit that you need to know:
1. Vomiting food
This type of cat vomiting can occur when your beloved cat eats too fast or too much. Usually, vomited food will come out in solid form. This cat vomit is food that has not been digested in the body.
To overcome this, you can use a puzzle technique when feeding the cat. This technique requires the cat to solve a challenge, such as picking up an object or chasing a ball, before getting its food. That way, your cat will get used to eating slowly and not excessively.
2. Yellow vomit
The yellow color of cat vomit usually comes from bile. This condition can occur when your cat vomits on an empty stomach, for example when the cat has not eaten at all for about 24 hours.
When no food enters the cat's body, the gallbladder will not contract. Well, this condition triggers the return of bile to the small intestine and stomach, then causes yellow vomiting. So, don't let your cat starve, okay?
In addition to an empty stomach, this type of yellow cat vomit can also be a symptom of certain diseases in cats, such as liver disease, inflammation of the pancreas, diabetes, hyperthyroidism, kidney failure, or worm infection in the bile.
3. Vomiting water or clear liquid
If your cat's vomit is clear or water-like, don't take it lightly because it can be a symptom of a serious illness. The clear liquid that comes out of the cat's digestive tract is the result of drinking too much.
There are a variety of diseases that can cause a cat to become thirsty and drink too much water, from diabetes to kidney disease.
Therefore, if your beloved cat vomits clear fluid several times a day and is accompanied by other symptoms, such as lack of appetite or diarrhea, immediately consult a veterinarian.
4. Foamy white vomit
Foamy white vomit is a sign that your cat's stomach lining or small intestine is inflamed. This inflammation causes fluid and mucus contained in the stomach to come out into white foamy vomit.
There are several diseases that can cause frothy white vomiting in cats, such as indigestion, irritable bowel syndrome, and gastritis or stomach ulcers.
5. Hairballs
Cats with long, bushy hair usually spew clumps of fur called hairballs. Hairballs are normal in cats, as they often lick their fur to clean themselves. This licking process will make the feathers swallowed.
Some of the ingested hair is processed in the intestine and excreted through the feces, but some is accumulated in the stomach. The fur that accumulates in the cat's stomach is what will be expelled in the form of hairball vomit.
6. Vomiting blood
This type of cat vomiting can be caused by disturbances in the lining of the cat's digestive tract, for example due to injury, infection, irritation, or the entry of foreign objects.
Usually, vomiting blood in cats can be accompanied by other symptoms such as decreased appetite, the cat looks weak, bloody diarrhea, or black cat feces.
If your cat is vomiting bloody vomit, take him to the nearest vet so that he can be treated as soon as possible.
Although there are several types of cat vomiting that are normal, you still have to be careful if your pet cat vomits more than 2 times a day. Moreover, if the cat's vomiting is accompanied by other symptoms, such as diarrhea or lack of appetite and drinking, it could be a sign that your cat is sick.
You also need to watch out for cat vomiting if your cat has previously been diagnosed with certain diseases, such as diabetes, kidney disorders, or hyperthyroidism. If this happens, you need to take him to the nearest vet so he can get the right treatment.
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